Download omori game
Download omori game

download omori game

Each battle is rewarded with experience, which can be spent on improving attack, defense, agility or strength, as well as resistance to negative effects or passive abilities of the hero. During the battle, a separate battle window opens, which shows all the effects of both the main character and the enemy. Here, the character's status is based on real human emotions and experiences. But the effects, conditions and debuffs are the original side of the game. The combat system in OMORI is represented by classic turn-based battles. Explore the memories of your own path, and finally determine which world is real for you, and where is the otherworldly.

download omori game

Explore the new (old) world, make acquaintances with friendly characters who, in another reality, will immediately attack you. Each reality has its own secrets and secrets. They are similar and at the same time radically different. The protagonist has to travel between two dimensions.

download omori game

A psychological story of surrealism with thriller and horror elements. Not only are the games made in a retro style in the manner of the 16-bit era, but there is also a clear cross between anime and hand-drawn graphics, and clear signs of dark horror, and much more.Two realities and only one is true in the game OMORI. Well, first of all, it would be worth mentioning the atmosphere of the game and the design. But how this adventurewill end depends only on you and on what decisions you will make. Now he is forced to go on a journey in which dangers await him, various events, each of which will play an important role in his life, a sea of ​​friends and enemies, and much, much more. The plot of the game revolves around a boy named Omori, who lived his most ordinary calm life until he suddenly faced a choice. When the time comes, the path you’ve chosen will determine your fate and perhaps the fate of others as well. Navigate through the vibrant and the mundane in order to uncover a forgotten past. Explore a strange world full of colorful friends and foes.

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